Unhappy with God’s Plan

This title really describes the general attitude of many today in the religious world. There would have been no reason for so many changes through the years if this were not the case. The truth is men have been unhappy with God’s plan almost from the beginning. There is one example after another through the Old Testament. Naaman was not willing to accept the plan of God for his cleansing (II Kings 5) and turned away in a rage upon learning he was to simply wash and be clean. He is famous for saying, “Behold I thought…” In fact, that is usually the problem with men today. Upon learning what the plan of God is, they have their own thoughts and desires and prefer them rather than the will of the Lord.

In the New Testament the list continues. Those people often preferred their own way also. The fellow usually styled as the “Rich Young Ruler” (Matthew 19, Mark 10 and Luke 18) had the very same problem.  He wanted to please the Lord and was willing to do some “good thing” in order to have eternal life. His idea was to do something good, perhaps a kind deed, etc. and then receive the reward promised to the faithful.  When he learned from Jesus what he had to do, he turned away sorrowful because he had great possessions. Oh, he thought he loved God, but he soon discovered his money meant more to him. What was his problem? He was unhappy with God’s plan.

Many modern-day people are also unhappy with the plan of God. The atheist dislikes the teaching and even the very thought of God. Some denominations are unhappy with the fact that God’s Word is complete and finished. They want people to believe their latter-day “revelations” are a part of God’s inspired Word.  However, God’s Word has been finished far too long for their writings to have any claim to inspiration. Jude said, “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that you should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” (Jude 3) Jude said “the faith” had already been delivered to God’s people. This means that anything subsequent to that time must be identified as counterfeit. The point of all this is that the Bible is now with us, complete and finished. It is futile to search for other sources of knowledge about the church.

When we hear of brethren tampering with Holy things, the question comes to mind of whether some of us are unhappy with God’s plan. No one has the scriptural right to tamper with the worship of the church by inserting Bible reading, teaching, singing, chanting or anything else between the loaf and the cup in the Lord’s Supper. As long as the world stands, it will remain unscriptural for women to speak in the church; and we still need to know those who labor among us. When, and if, a preacher has become unfaithful in doctrine, brethren should be warned so they may stop using him. What was wrong in the days of the apostles is still wrong today since God’s Word is the same today and forever. The worship of the Lord’s church has stood the test of time and remains as scriptural today as when the church began on Pentecost.  The church Jesus died to purchase has borne the intense scrutiny of our enemies in debates for untold years. No one has ever been able to successfully point to our worship and say it is unscriptural. Their arguments are of necessity that while we are indeed scriptural, it is possible to do differently and still be pleasing to God. Suppose a claim is made that edification may take place by some new practice never used before? We must remember that the proponents of the class arrangement for teaching also claim edification takes place in their Bible Classes. However, we continue to oppose them on the grounds that whether or not edification is present the Bible pattern for edifying the church is violated! The truth is that Bible Classes are wrong on two counts: First, because there is no Bible example or pattern for them; and second, because they violate the pattern that is given for a public assembly in one place while one male speaker at a time edifies the assembly. (1 Corinthians 14; 1 Timothy 2, 11, 12, etc)

Brethren, do not be discouraged when you hear of problems or unrest here or there. Through the years, the Lord’s church has weathered many storms and has stood the test. She can stand any test or challenge hurled her way. We enjoy the blessings of God because we are His. He cares for His own and will ever be with us. May God bless us all to heed what Paul wrote in Romans 14:19, “Let us follow after the things that make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.” Let us actively work for that which will cause, or bring about, real peace and seek only to build one another up as we continue to “fight the good fight of faith.” (1 Timothy 6:12) Think on these things.


Article By: Don King